NFDC and NDTG are advising the industry to be aware of a website ‘Construction Site Card UK’ ( and corresponding Instagram account advertising various construction industry job cards, including CCDO, with no tests or examinations.

As a reminder, NDTG is the only issuing authority for CCDO cards and this organisation is not approved to either deliver CCDO courses or issue CCDO cards. Please do not use this website. It is alleged that those who have fallen victim to its claims have made payments upfront and received none of the promised deliverables.

CSCS have investigated this site and is working with legal to have the situation resolved.

We also remind you to be extra vigilant on site by checking CCDO cards via the Go Smart app. If in any doubt as to the authenticity of a CCDO card, just contact NDTG on 01442 217 144 (Option 2).